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Wednesday, October 28, 2009


THE APOLLO MISSIONS The first and last man on the moon
Experience the moon just as the astronauts did - almost as you were there. View interactive QuickTime VR Panoramas in full-screen from the 6 Apollo Missions who landed on moon.
The links to the panoramas opens in a new fullscreen window which resizes to your screen.
All panoramas includes original audio clips. Most of these are from the minutes around the time for the pans. On the Apollo 11 you hear the famous moment when Armstrong stepped down on the moon. Scroll down on the panoramas for detailed info about the images used for each panorama

On July 20 ( July 21 GMT ) 1969 the first man stepped on the moon. During the next 3 years 6 missions to the moon was made and a total of 12 astronauts walked on the moon. One of the missions Apollo 13 failed and they had to return.
During these missions thousands of images were taken, most of them with the Hasselblad EDC. A special version of the Hasselblad 500 EL. Many of these images are famous, like the one from Apollo 11 showing Buzz Aldrin with Neil Armstrong reflected in the glass of his helmet. (It is available in super resolution from the panorama).
The Hasselblad was mounted on a special belt on the chest and the astronauts could not look into a viewer. 

View video of astronaut Gene Cernan making a pan

click image for large version
Click here to see all the images taken in this pan. Only the marked images was used for the stitched panorama

Click image to view the the panorama
Less known is that during all the missions they made image sequences which with today's computer technics can be stitched together into 360o interactive panoramas giving you the possibility to view the moon almost as you were there.
Many of these panoramas have been published before but in low resolution and displayed in small sizes.
Film used on the Moon was a modified Kodak Ectachrome 160.
During the last years (2000-2005) the original films have been re-scanned in high resolution and the Apollo 11 images were released the week before the 35 year anniversary. I can now present you for the first time the Moon in interactive 360 degree full screen Quicktime VR.
Stitching these images to make 360 degree panoramas is a difficult task as the astronauts did not know anything about interactive panoramas and the stitching methods which would come 25 years later.
Besides stitching them to panoramas the images are kept as much as possible in their original
In several of the panoramas the sun is very low and shining directly into the camera which causes very large flares. I have tried to keep this as much as possible like the originals but in some the visible errors from this has been covered by a photoshop generated flare.

Have a nice
Virtual Journey to the Moon
Hans Nyberg

All images are credit NASA
Panoramas/QTVR movies
© 2004-2007 Hans Nyberg 

Audioclips and data from the Apollo Lunar Surface Journal
The Apollo Lunar Surface Journal is a record of the lunar surface operations conducted by the six pairs of astronauts who landed on the Moon from 1969 through 1972. The Journal is intended as a resource for anyone wanting to know what happened during the missions and why. It includes a corrected transcript of all recorded conversations between the lunar surface crews and Houston. The Journal also contains extensive, interwoven commentary by the Editor Eric Jonesand by ten of the twelve moonwalking astronauts.

This page was first published in July 2004 at the 35 year anniversary of the Apollo 11 landing
It included the Apollo 11 and the Apollo 17 panorama.
In this update January 2007 panoramas from all the Moon Landings has been added.
All panoramas now also have a sound-clip which matches the panorama. This has been possible because of Eric JonesApollo Lunar Surface Journal where every image taken on the moon is linked to the transcripts from the authentic conversation with Houston which also includes audio and video.
On each of the panoramas you can scroll down and get detailed information about the images used (thanks to Eric Jones who let me use these abstracts)
Note that the Apollo Lunar Surface Journal is a private initiative by Eric Jones

Maybe all these stupid moon hoax conspiracy theory believers should take a look at these.
Do you really believe that these data would be freely available for private research if it all was fake.
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