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Friday, October 23, 2009

Alien Secrets

UFOWe've all seen documentaries before, but what about a mock-umentary? Well, you might want to check out a movie called, Alien Secrets. This promises to be something quite different from your usual alien encounter film. Some of you may remember a made for television docu-drama about the MacPherson family abduction. Alien Abduction: Incident in Lake County. I have gotten a lot of questions about that show, which was billed as a home video tape of an actual abduction. Of course, it was not, yet evidently it had an impact on a lot of folks. Whether Alien Secrets will have the same lasting impact...well, we'll just have to wait and see.

There Are Aliens Amongst Us gives us the details of a mock documentary about a UFO investigator and his struggles to find the truth behind the UFO mystery. Supposedly it is a fictitious story taken from real life events. Its producer is UFO investigator Brandon Scott. Hey...maybe I could produce a movie. Just kidding! This effort did win the "EBE Award" from the 15th annual International UFO Congress Film Festival. The film also delves into the dark, forbidden secrets of alien-hybrid children, a topic that is usually skirted around in most abduction related movies. According to our film critics, this does promise to be at least an enjoyable trip away from your standard movie fare. "They’re here and living among us!"

(photo ©

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