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Friday, October 23, 2009

Extraterrestrials and their UFOs abducted APOLLO 17 Astronauts into their UFO into MINDCONTROL into forgetting their mjssion. Especially about the Mission of APOLLO 13. The message from the Extraterrestrials was: ALL HUMANS WHO TRAVEL AND VENTURE BEYOND THE LAGRANGE POINTS WILL BE EXECUTED. That is not all what's happening on the moon. There are UFOS coming and going to and from the ANDROMEDA GALAXY and UFOs coming and going to and from Earth, especially at night. There are currently over 30,000 BUSY EARTH SCIENTISTS inside the moon. The moon is ACTUALLY TRULY an ancient hollow carrier of a huge skeleton's head that is covered with sand. Nasa did get this much, SKIN TISSUE SAMPLES AND BONE SAMPLES OF THE SKELTON MOON'S HEAD ARE NOW FROZEN AND KEPT IN TOP SECRET IN A SECRET WAREHOUSE. There are 9 ancient former dome city holes where you can see what you think are crators destroyed thousands of years ago by Draconians. Mars is the same thing, buy, actually, a hollow metallic carrier covered with sand and with ancient former city dome holes destroyed by Draconians in war. Aliens and people live inside both Moon and Mars. Dragon hatchling born on the moon in 2004, in TOP SECRET in the MAN IN THE MOON'S RIGHT EYE JUST OFF TO THE LEFT. Gardens on the Dark Side of the Moon grown by Moon Aliens and People. UFOs come and go on dark side of the moon's Bases. Aliens prep for freezing to go to the Andromeda Galaxy by UFOs. No humans are allowed to man the UFOs to fly long distances such as to Andromeda. Only Aliens fly the spacehsips to Andromeda Galaxy. United States government wants knowledge on how to build UFOs so they made a pact agreement with the Aliens and Extraterrestrials. The agreement is: To let the Extraterrestrials and Aliens ABDCUCT 100-200 PEOPLE AT NIGHT PICKED AT RANDOM INTO UFOS IN EXCHANGE OF ALIEN'S HIGH TECHNOLOGY & KNOWLEDGE IN SICENCES ON HOW TO BUILD A UFO & ETC. Now, People are being abducted and go MISSING - for aliens to do whatever they want to them, such as RESEARCH AND PEOPLE PUT INTO LAB CAGES AND SOME TAKEN FOR BLOOD AND BODY PARTS AS BLOOD AND BODY PARTS ARE THEIR FAVORITE MEAL. Some people are just PUT INTO MIND CONTROL. and used as slaves to mine GOLD. NASA is not so know it all, after all! If NASA ASTRONAUTS are not allowed at certain places on the moon, WATCH OUT, NASA! Same on Mars! Aliens rule Mars, too. Don't even think of Uranus and Saturn. Aliens rule over their planets, there, too. If Nasa flew to Saturn, they will never return. Why? Saturn stands for Satan's Urn. Sat Urn! Get it? No return! Don't ever go there, Nasa! Jesus is already among us. He has arrived in 2002. Go find Jesus and go with Him to Heaven, instead. That's better travel. First, you must find Jesus on Earth, right now. He claims he is the Messiah. He can walk through walls, etc.

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