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Friday, February 5, 2010

Using Adwords To Promote Your Blog

Using Adwords To Promote Your Blog

So many bloggers think they can simply put a blog together, submit to a handful of social sites and loads of traffic will come piling in, as I have said many times before this is not accurate.
If you are a blogger and you’re serious about making a living from blogging, then you have to invest like you would any business.
So where does Google Adwords fit in??
When I encourage bloggers to use Google adwords to give their blogs that necessary push I usually get the same responses;
“Adwords is too expensive”
“I don’t sell a product”
“How do I track conversions?”
“It’s just not measurable!”
Now when it comes to promoting your blog it is true the success of any PPC campaign can be difficult to measure but this really depends on your goals.
- Are you looking to attract readers?
- Do you sell an eBook?
- Do you have ads?
- Do you promote affiliate products?
Remember with Adwords you could fully optimise a page of your blog to promote a particular product or affiliate program and send relevant traffic straight to it.
However, even if you have no product at all you can still use Adwords to promote your blog and increase your brand and online visibiliy, let me give you a few tips about how to go about this;
Keep It Broad
When you first come to set up your Adwords campaign you are going to have to select keywords to use, then you can use keyword matching options to select either;
- Broad Keywords – This will display your ad to searches who use your keyword, any variations of it or even related keywords. This is great for branding and general exposure but not so brilliant for keeping click rates and conversion rates high.
- “Phrase Keywords” – These will activate your ad when a your keyword is used or any variation in the exact order. This is a much better way for increasing conversion rates but can mean a low click through rate.
- [Exact Match] – This means your ad will be activated only when the exact keyword search is used. Brilliant for maximising conversion and click through rates.
So which type of keywords do you think should be used to promote a blog? Well if you are selling a specific product you will probably want to go with the phrase match, however if you are simply trying to give your blog some exposure you need to stick to broad matches, this makes sure you get a good amount of impressions and your clicks are as cheap as possible.
A blogger’s main aim is to increase readership, if you can get 1000 clicks for 9p thats £90 spend, and you convert 10% into readers, this basically means you could increase your readership by 100 every month for £90. Obviously conversion rates are not all the same but if you create decent content and have a compelling opt in box there is a good chance your conversion rate may be higher.
Placement Ads
Ever since Google Adwords introduced it, this has been one of my favourite ways of attracting blog readers.
It allows you to place your adwords ad on targeted pages that are in the adsense program, so how are you going to take advantage of it?
Really easy, search for one of your main keywords and search down the top 20 results, then make a note of the ones that use adsense, and target them in your placements. You may even know popular blogs within your own niche that use adesense without searching for them, target them too.
placement adwords
Out of all the advertising methods this has made the biggest impact on readership and blog activity. The clickers are already reading a blog before they click your ad, this means their more likely to convert if your content is up to scratch.
Just a couple of final things to finish with.
If your aim is to increase readership then you need to create huge keyword lists, this ensures your using as many long tail keywords as possible and getting clicks for the lowest amounts. For this I suggest you head over to the Google Keyword Tool.
ad group
Do a “website keyword search” and this will show you all the keywords that relate to your sites content. It will even display keywords in keyword groups so you know exactly how to group your ads. This is just the starting point though, I want you to use the keywords it suggests to create huge keyword lists, take every keyword and run it through a descriptive search, this will give you a huge keyword list to start your campaign with.
Remember to keep the keywords in the groups the adwords tool suggests.
ad group 1
This will ensure you keep your campaign as relevant as possible and it will keep your cost per click down. Don’t increase your cost per click to accommodate for the expensive keywords, stick to a certain amount per keyword, some keywords may become ineligible but we are not looking to increase quality score here, just looking to drive lots of traffic through low cost clicks.
If you are thinking to yourself, “I am not paying money to promote my blog!” Then you are probably not going to be a successful blogger, you have to invest in this game.



best 15 notepad tricks

best 15 notepad tricks

Notepad is a simple text editor for Microsoft Windows. It has been included in all versions of Microsoft office since Windows 1.0 in 1985.

Many people prefer alternatives to notepad such as Notepad++, but did you know notepad can do much more than just viewing and editing text ?

Notepad can do many trick which is beyond imagination. To see some tricks which notepad can do:

Keep Reading to see 15 awesome notepad tricks....

1. Make the matrix

A matrix is defined as an array or grid. It looks somewhat like this:

Making this is quite simple..

Open notepad and type in:

@echo off
color 2
echo %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random%
goto start

Choose FILE > SAVE AS... Save this file as Matrix.bat ... Make sure you choose the file type as ALL FILES ....

Now open on the file you saved by double clicking on it and you should get the matrix...

2. Create a Command Prompt virus message

Nothing scares some people except the command prompt. Something like this could scare then to death. See the example below:

To make this, type the following code in notepad:

@ echo off
title Virus
echo Your system is affected by virus
echo Windows will now try to undo changes
echo FAILED !
echo Your system is corrupt

Then save it as Virus.bat .. Make sure to keep the file type as ALL FILES ...

Then run the file by double clicking the file. You should get the command prompt message...

3. Check if your anti-virus works

Have you ever wondered if your anti-virus actually works ? There is no need to download a virus and check it. A simple notepad trick can do this. This is the Eicar Anti-Virus Test.

  • Open notepad
  • Paste the following file in notepad
  • Save the file as virus-test
  • Scan the file using your antivirus

Here are my results:

Note: If your antivirus does not detect this test virus it means you should really consider changing yourantivirus. I used Microsoft Security Essentials for Windows 7 for this test and it detected the virus instantly without me having to scan it. That's what I call a good antivirus.

4. Time LOG Book / Diary Trick

This is a simple trick to check the time.
This is simple, open notepad and type .LOG
Save it as LOG.txt

Whenever you open this file it will insert the current date and time.

This can be used as a diary that will insert the date and time whenever you open it. Make sure you don't remove the .log in the diary.

5. Find your XP CD key

You may have lost your XP CD's serial key. Just follow the trick below to find it.

  • Bring your Windows XP CD and insert it into your computer's CD/DVD ROM/RAM.
  • Now, browse your Windows XP CD and find the folder I386.
  • Inside I386 folder, find the file named as unattended.txt.
  • Open unattended.txt by using notepad.
  • At last, keep scrolling of the opened file and you will get Windows XP CD key.

6. Make a pop up windows message

Type the following code in notepad:

@echo off

Save the file as message.bat .. Make sure you keep the file type as ALL FILES.. Run the file...

You should get two windowed messages....

7. Change header and footer of Notepad

Have you ever got bored of Notepad opening with the title as "Untitled" ? If you don't like it you can change it with a simple trick.


Change the character in header and footer as per your choice:

&l Left-align the characters that follow
&c Center the characters that follow
&r Right-align the characters that follow
&d Print the current date
&t Print the current time
&f Print the name of the document
&p Print the page number

8. Delete files with notepad

Here is the delete command:

@echo off
del "path of file" /P /S

This will prompt you to delete the file. If you don't want to be prompted then change /P to /Q

Use the path of the file you want to delete... For example if you have a file called delete.txt in the folder TEST in C:\ drive, then your path should be something like this: C:\TEST\delete.txt

Save the file as deleter.bat .. Make sure you select file type as ALL FILES .. Run the deleter and the file which you want to delete would be deleted.

If you're smart enough you'll recognize that the virus I made was using this trick. If you delete some compulsory windows components then the OS will be corrupt.

9. World Trade Center Attack Trick

The Twin Towers was a part of the World Trade Center in March 2001. On September 11 the al-Qaeda terrorist group intentionally crashed commercial passenger jet airliners into the twin towers.

There were some stupid rumors that the plane that crashed into the twin towers was Q33NY. However this is a surprising notepad trick.

  • Open your Notepad
  • Type the flight number i.e Q33N in Capital Letters.
  • Increase the Font Size to 72
  • Change the Font to Wingdings

You will be amazed by the findings.

Its a Plane going for 2 building shaped structures and then death.

10. Alternative Single character Matrix

To make this matrix, just type the following in notepad:

@echo off
color 0a
echo 7 y x 3 W 8 G M P q 1 F 0 U v c i j O D s a E I j H 9 t 6 7 z C B 4 g 8 3 W 8 G
ping localhost -n 1 > nul
goto A

Save the file as matrix2.bat and make sure you keep the file type as all files. Run the file. You should getthe matrix.

11. Format your Hard Drive using notepad (Dangerous)

Type the following code in notepad:


Save it as formatHD.exe and make sure you select the type as ALL FILES...

This trick is really dangerous. Please do not use it unless you really want to format your Hard Drive. This action cannot be undone. You may loose all your data.

12. Lock folders using Notepad

This trick may or may not work. It should work on most systems, especially systems with Windows XP installed.

  • Consider you want to lock a folder named PICS in your D:\ , whose path is D:\PICS
  • Now open the Notepad and type the following:
    ren pics pics.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}
  • Where pics is your folder name. Save the text file as lock.bat in the same drive.
  • Open another new notepad text file and type the following:
    ren pics.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D} pics
  • Save the text file as key.bat in the same drive.

Change pics with the folder name. Both .bat files should be place on the same drive.

13. The 4335 Rule

This may not work on all systems. Works best with Windows XP.

This is one of the mysterious notepad tricks we know. According to the trick it really seems Microsoft had put some hack into the coding of notepad making the text hidden after saving it.

  • Open notepad.
  • Save that file.
  • Close it
  • Open It Again See…

Why This Happens ? It is known 4335 Rule. It means that if we enter four words separated by spaces, wherein the first word has 4 letters, the next two have three letters each, and the last word has five letters. ThenNotepad Automatically hides the text into unknown code. Similar are with " this app can break".

14. Open a file using notepad

Want to open some file or program using notepad ? You can use this as a shortcut.. Just type the following code:

START path of file

Use the path of the file you want to run... For example if you have a file called run.exe in the folder TEST in C:\drive, then your path should be something like this: C:\TEST\run.exe

If you want to open some complicated program such as firefox or anything non-microsoft then use the following code:

START /d "path of folder" program.extension

Use the path of the folder you want to run and put the program with its extension... An example of an extension is "EXE". For example if you have a file called run.exe in the folder TEST in C:\ drive, then your code should be something like this: START /d "C:\TEST" run.exe

This can be used as a shortcut, especially if you want to start multiple files at once.

15. Make Questions

Want to make your own questions and answers using notepad ? Simple. Type the following code:

ECHO ...............................................
ECHO PRESS 1 or 2 to select your task, or 3 to EXIT.
ECHO ...............................................
ECHO 1 - This info was given by pegabyte
ECHO 2 - This info was not given by pegabyte
SET /P M=Type 1, 2, or 3, then press ENTER: 
IF %M%==1 GOTO Correct
IF %M%==2 GOTO Wrong
echo You are right !!
echo You are wrong. This info was really given by Fun PC Life
goto EXIT

You can modify the code for your convenience.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Tips for choosing blank CD or DVD

Tips for choosing blank CD or DVD

Disc CD / DVD function to record or store data, which is usually stored in our computer hard drive. Usually the purpose of storage in the CD / DVD this is to save the data, if at any time damaged disk, or to reduce the contents of the hard disk is full. But many things you should consider before choosing a CD or DVD you want to buy, such as capacity, brand, price, and some things that should be your guide in choosing a CD or DVD. Although this looks very simple, but it can affect the quality of the goods if you are wrong in your selection. Simple tips you can use in choosing a CD or DVD of them is:

Look for the CD / DVD of the bottom layer of silver, do not choose a CD / DVD colored lower layer (blue, red or black) because this layer serves to make reading data from CD / DVD that has been burning. If you will buy a CD / DVD, try to buy a CD / DVD from one brand, such as Verbatim. For example, if we want to buy a DVD, you can choose Verbatim DVD-R, and vice versa, if you want to buy a CD, you can choose Verbatim CD-R. As we know, that brand is a brand Verbatim had no doubt the product capabilities, particularly in terms of quality CDs or DVDs.

If we use a brand that we have known or had we used before and no problems when writing and reading CD / DVD, this is an advantage for us in terms of selecting the item. Do not get used to change the brand because there are several brands of CD / DVD burner is less "friendly" with some CD / DVD specific brands, alternatively, you can search for references from people who are experienced in this blank disc selection, or you can find on the internet, brand any good to use. If you are forced to buy a CD / DVD that is not normally used, try to buy the unit before, try one and see if the writing and the reading went well, if all goes well, you can buy a CD / DVD to the needs.
So my tips regarding the selection of CD / DVD blank. I hope this tip useful for you